Monday, May 24, 2010

Drop Weight Now!

After gaining 80 pounds, I knew I not only wanted to but needed to drop weight now! So here I am opening up my own personal journal that documents my personal weight loss struggles. Compiling my struggles and word of advice to help create this article. It's hard opening up, talking about weight gain , loss, and how it all feels. The physical and emotional battles that millions like myself go through on a weekly, daily and hourly basis. But here I go anyway...

Raised in a fast paced world, where fast food restaurants reside on nearly every corner. Its easier to grab a quick bite to eat on the way home, than it is to cook dinner. Its less time consuming to order off the menu, than it is to plan your own menu. After gaining 80 pounds with my second child, I new something had to change. It took me a long time after to realize that, that something was me. My habits, lifestyle, and choices had to change.

I decided to start my journey which I named drop weight now. I found something powerful in those words, it didn't give me a way out, I couldn't come up with excuses, why's or buts. I just had to do it, not next week, next month, next year, but now!

I started by finding a partner, someone who had the same desire to lose weight now. Finding a partner, helped me to stay motivated, I knew someone was depending on me to join them on nightly walks and I couldn't bag out. Having someone with similar goals, will not only help you but them in return.

My next step was changing my eating habits. Skipping breakfast, only left me to drool over the vending machines at work. Lets be real, the choices aren't always the healthiest and my 2-3 trips a day at work weren't either. Eating a healthy breakfast, helped me to avoid the vending machine and left me feeling full of energy.

Eating breakfast wasn't my only change, I started eating more often. 5 times a day, but I certainly watched what I ate. Two small snacks helped curb my appetite and helped speed up my metabolism.

Drinking water 8 glasses a day was a huge change for me. I am a self proclaimed caffeine junky. It was so hard to pass up the soda for a bland drink of water. I just had to do it, and with some self coaching I did. It really helped me to drink water before eating, I felt like I ended up eating less.

After months of doing this, I saw some results. However I was still struggling. But I needed more help, I needed to find something to help me get to my ideal weight. I needed a miracle to help me drop weight now! I started searching online and found a product named strip that fat. Another product, making claims another false hope? Well I ordered it anyways, and am happy with my results. I experienced fast results. It was nice find a helping hand! For the first time, I have found a new me. I can walk through the mall and buy clothes and actually fit into them! I feel more confident, happier and have more energy.

I know there are millions out there, wanting to lose weight now, and together we can all strip that fat! Live longer, happier and healthier!

Good luck to you all on you journey!

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